Friday, September 19, 2008

Zhan Guo Ce

The Zhan Guo Ce was a renowned ancient Chinese historical work and compilation of sporadic materials on the Warring States Period compiled between 3rd century to 1st century BCE. It is an important literature in the research of Warring States Period as it accounts the strategies and political views of the School of Negotiation and reveals the historical and social characteristics of the period.


The author of ''Zhan Guo Ce'' still cannot be verified, it is generally deemed, since Zhang Xincheng's argument, that the book was not written by a single author at one time. It was thought to be composed by Su Qin and his fellows before obtained by . It is interesting to note that unlike most of the pre-Qin classics, the authenticity of ''Zhan Guo Ce'', along with the ''Shijing'', ''Mozi'', ''Yulingzi'' and ''Gongsun Longzi'' had never been questioned since the Western Han period. The earliest to assert the texts as an apocryphal scriptures was perhaps the compiler of the Catalogue of Siku Quanshu, but he provided no warrant for it.

The six versions of written works from the School of Negotiation were discovered by Liu Xiang during his editing and proofreading of the imperial literary collection. Those works of political views and diplomatic strategies from the School of Negotiation were in poor condition, comprised of confusing contents and missing words. Liu Xiang proofread and edited them into the new book under the title ''Zhan Guo Ce''; it was therefore not written by a single author at one time.

Significant contents of ''Zhan Guo Ce'' were lost in subsequent centuries. Zeng Gong of the Northern Song Dynasty reclaimed some lost chapters, proofread and edited the modern version. Some writings on cloth were from the Han Dynasty tomb at near the city of Changsha in 1973 and edited and published in Beijing in 1976 as ''Zhanguo Zonghengjia Shu'' ". The book contained 27 chapters, 11 of which were found to be similar to the contents in ''Zhan Guo Ce'' and the ''Records of the Grand Historian''. That publication appeared in Taiwan in 1977 as the ''Boshu Zhanguoce''. The texts were written in between the style of Seal script and Clerical script. The transcript was probably composed around 195 BCE before its burial, as the text tend to avoid using the word ''bang'' , the personal name of Emperor Gao of Han.


The ''Zhan Guo Ce'' recounts the history of the Warring States from the conquest of the clan by the Zhi clan in 490 BC up to the failed assassination of Qin Shi Huang by Gao Jianli in 221 BC.

The book comprises approximately 120,000 words, and is divided into 33 chapters and 497 sections. The twelve strategies are:

## Translation Context Identical
with Manwangdui Chapters

Strategies of Eastern Zhou

02 西周策
Strategies of Western Zhou

Strategies of

Chapter 19/Qin 3:2
08 齐策
Strategies of

14 楚策
Strategies of

Chapter 23/Chu 4:13
18 赵策
Strategies of

Chapter 21/Zhao 1:9
Chapter 18/Zhao 4:18
22 魏策
Strategies of

Chapter 15/Wei 3:3
Chapter 16/Wei 3:8
26 韩策
Strategies of

Chapter 23/Han 1:16
29 燕策
Strategies of

Chapter 05/Yan 1:5 and Yan 1:12
Chapter 20/Yan 1:11
Chapter 04/Yan 2:4
32 宋、卫策
Strategies of and Wei

33 中山策
Strategies of

Comparison in original Chinese

Manwangdui texts, "Xujia spoke to the Marquis of Rang" :
Received texts, "Qin defeated Wei at Hua, put Mang Mao to flight, and besieged Daliang" :
Received texts, "Qi attacked Song, Song was hard pressed" :

Alternative English titles

Alternative English titles include:
* ''Stratagems of the Warring States'',
* ''Intrigues of the Warring States'',
* ''Chronicles of the Warring States'',
* ''Records of the Warring States'',
* ''Record of the Warring States'',
* ''Annals of the Warring States'',
* ''The Strategies of the Warring States'',
* ''Strategies of the Warring States'',
* ''Strategics of the Warring States'',
* ''Collection of Strategies of the Warring States'',
* ''Book of Warring States'',
* ''Legends of the Warring States''


* Liu, Jianguo . ''Distinguishing and Correcting the pre-Qin Forged Classics''. Xi'an: Shaanxi People's Press. ISBN 7-224-05725-8.
* He, Jin . ''An Analysis of Zhan Guo Ce''. Beijing: Peking University Press. ISBN 7-301-05101-8.
* Miao, Wenyuan . ''Encyclopedia of China'', 1st ed.
*''Chan-kuo Ts'e'' . . Revised edition. Translated and annotated with an introduction by J. I. Crump. University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies. ISBN 978-0-89264-122-2.
*Crump, J. I. . ''Intrigues of the Warring States: Studies of the Chan-kuo Ts'e''. University of Michigan Press. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 64-17440.
*Crump, J. I. . ''Legends of the Warring States: Persuasions, Romances, and Stories from Chan-Kuo Tse'' . Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan. ISBN 0-89264-129-0 . ISBN 0-89264-127-4 .
*Hawkins, David. Review of ''Intrigues of the Warring States''. ''JAOS''. 86 : 1.
*He, Jianzhang . ''Zhan Guo Ce Zhu Yi'' . Zhonghua Shuju . ISBN 978-7101006223 .
*Lan, Kaixiang . ''Zhan Guo Ce Ming Pian Shang Xi'' . Beijing Shiyue Wenyi Chubanshe .
*Meng, Qingxiang . ''Zhan Guo Ce Yi Zhu'' . Heilongjiang Renmin Chubanshe . Tongyi Shuhao 10093·701.
*Qian, Guoqi . Zhan Guo Ce Ping Jie . In Wei Liangtao , ''Shi Zhu Ying Hua '' Vol. 1, pp. 157-239. Zhongguo Qingnian Chubanshe . ISBN 7500637462.
*Wang, Shouqian . ''Zhan Guo Ce Quan Yi'' . Guizhou Renmin Chubanshe . ISBN 7221041326.
*Xiong, Xianguang . ''Zhan Guo Ce Yan Jiu Yu Xian Yi'' . Zhongqing Chubanshe . ISBN 7536600208.
*Zhao, Pijie . ''Zhan Guo Ce Xian Yi'' . Renman Minxue Chubanshe .
*Zhu, Youhua . ''Zhan Guo Ce Xian Yi'' . Shanghai Guji Chubanshe .

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